Thursday, March 17, 2011

Conversation Starters--John 3:1-17

How would you start a conversation with Jesus if you had the chance? Might be challenge enough to be able to utter anything much less something coherent.

Nicodemus comes to Jesus at nighttime, presumably because he was a religious leaders and so he had a reputation to protect. Jesus had become popular, but he was an outsider who did not always say things or do things that were considered orthodox by those who were recognized as authorities.

Nicodemus is one of those authorities, but he sees something special in the miracles Jesus has performed, so he's willing to take a step outside his acceptable circles to interact with Jesus. He'll only take a minimal risk however; he'll come under cloak of darkness.

He starts out proclaiming his brilliance, "We know you are a teacher who has come from God." Starting a conversation with Jesus by proclaiming what you know is probably not the advisable way to begin. Jesus responds, "No one can see the Kingdom without being born from above." I think this is Jesus' way of saying, You haven't a clue, Nic. All of the sudden Jesus is talking a language that Nicodemus doesn't understand at all. It's clear that Nicodemus, though he is a religious leader, knows very little about the spiritual life. Sometimes those who seem to be closest to the truth are actually furthest away. As a pastor, I am very aware of this danger.

Anyone who affiliates in some way with a religious organization should be aware of this danger, because most religious organizations lay out some kind of path to follow to gain maturity and stature in faith. Yet, according to Jesus, the Spirit of God is like a wind that blows in very unpredictable ways. We're currently reading, as a church, Sara Miles' Jesus Freak, which is her story of how the Spirit has affected her life and ministry, although some of her practices have been difficult for her church to understand or approve of.

Have you been born anew (or from above, since the Greek word here could mean either)? How did it happen? Or is it happening or yet to happen?

1 comment:

  1. Many of us have heard people talk about a born again experience, as if it were a one time event. I like the commentary that suggests that rebirth could be a series of transformational events. For some, like Paul or Nicodemus, a memorable, one time occurrence is all they will require. When we look at Peter's multiple experiences compared with Thomas' experience, we don't see one variety of event fitting all the disciples. I believe the Spirit is persistent and will provide what we need, in spite of our tendency to pass by miracles, unnoticed.
